Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Funny


To all the beautiful moms out there, I hope you have a wonderful day.

Sir Worksalot is on shift today, and as he was leaving he leaned down and said, "oh yeah, Happy Mother's Day." Now, to some this might seem like an after thought. It wasn't we celebrated all our moms in our family yesterday for our annual Mother's Day fish fry. I failed to take hardly any pictures for some reason. Anyways, as I looked at the hubs, I got to thinking about what mothers day means to me. In the past, I have always thought it's a day for mom's to get their turn in being spoiled, which we all desearve at some point. Today on this Mother's Day, I just keep thinking how blessed I am. God gave me three beautiful children who I love dearly. Who drive me bonkers every single day. Who love me endlessly. Who dislike me often. They are part of my everything. They make me smile, cry, laugh hysterically, laugh AT me hysterically. I love this kids of mine and today, I choose to celebrate them. And choose to soak in all the extra hugs and love they choose to give me today. I AM a special woman, yes indeed, because I am their mother.

*As a side note, I have to tell a funny where my child laughed hysterically AT me. I was with Madame Emotions walking into a gas station last night because she had to use the restroom. It had two sets of doors you had to walk through. Well, I come up to the first set and it's sliding glass automatic doors. They open up. I walk to the next set of doors and just stand there. I can't in my extremely tired mind figure out WHY these doors are not opening. Emotions is just staring at me like I'm crazy. Then a lady on the other side PULLS the door open and just stares at me and walks through like I am crazy. That's when it dawned on me that these doors were not automatic and I might actually have to physically open them myself!! I busted out laughing, Emotions started laughing hysterically at me. I just looked at her and said, "oh I didn't realize they weren't going to open on their own!" She and I could not stop laughing. Then I went and got a coffee to wake my brain up. Then I stayed awake till amost 2 in the morning. Next time I will just keep the mush brain! I can't help but giggle though when I think about it. And to see her laughing so hard makes me laugh even harder. Mom brain sure does attack sometimes!

1 comment:

Brandy@YDK said...

that sounds like something I would do.hahahaha.