Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stream of Consciousness Sunday: Hectic Life Editon

It's been awhile since I've been here. For my blog and SOCS. Things are going at a rapid pace right now which is why I thought this would be a great time to post SOCS. It seems reviewing my old blog that life has always been hectic for us. I wonder at some point will that change? It only seems to get worse but worse in a good way if that makes any sense. I start my 15 hours of school in two weeks which would normally be a bit worrisome for me on a normal day but add in the fact that husband is still finishing his last month and half of school, and The Aggrivator is starting football in a week, and Madame Emotions is starting swim in a few weeks....well that is A LOT. Oh wait I forgot that I also have work. Yeah. That fits in there somewhere right? Hmmm.....I need two of me. Or three.

BUT have I mentioned how excited I am for The Aggrivator to be playing football again? And for Madame Emotions to be training to get on the swim team? Now that is some awesome stuff right there! The schedules will be insanity but to watch each of them do something that I know they will have to work hard for but, also, love? It's totally worth it!



Whew!! You guys have a lot going on! You know what, though, it's really great that your children have things that will allow them to be active, and that, despite your busy schedule, you're making that happen for them. Good job, parents!!

TheReadQueen said...

Sounds crazy busy - hope you can find a moment for yourself here and there! (hiding in the bathroom works..haha)
Also, I love the nicknames you have for your kids!

Stopped by from SOC

Brandy@YDK said...

wow you are a busy busy girl. i hope you can make it through without losing your mind.